Why Dentists Like You Are Choosing ToothWeb

More and more dentists are incorporating ToothorWeb on their websites. Here’s what using our digital dental videos can do for your practice:

Get more of your patients to say, “Yes!

I’ll have to think about it.

How often have you heard that one? You’ve told the patient how urgent the procedure is, that if they wait, their teeth could get worse, and that it could end up being more expensive for them. It doesn’t matter. They’re just not ready to decide. 

But now you can do more than tell them. You can show them! If a picture is worth a thousand words, imagine how many words a gorgeous animation in brilliant 4K is worth! Once they can visualize the procedure, they’ll be far more ready to say, “Yes! Let’s do this!”

Less squirming in the chair.

Patients are a nervous bunch. Many have a specific phobia of dentists. You don’t see why. You’re a friendly person. Maybe your friends even think you’re the life of the party. But let’s face it, no matter how good your people skills are, in the office, you’re still the one holding the drill.

But when patients know exactly what to expect, thanks to seeing ToothorWeb videos on your website, their imagination is no longer running wild. After all, the scariest thing is the unknown. But now they’ve seen the procedure for themselves. Suddenly, they’re much more relaxed.

It’s easy.

Getting used to the latest dental technology can be as hard as convincing your patients to floss! Well, almost as hard. (By the way we have a video about that, too.) But the ToothorChairside player for your tablet is simple to use and easy to search. You’ll have the hang of it in no time, if not sooner.

No contract. No commitment.

With ToothorWeb, you can have access to our whole suite of dental education videos for only $49/month with no long-term contracts, games, or gimmicks, just quality, informative content for your site that drives traffic, help educate your patients, and gains their trust in your practice. It’s a win for everyone. You may cancel any time. And you only need one license for your entire practice.

Your website will be even more impressive.

That’s right. Signing up with ToothorWeb entitles you to use any of our videos on your practice’s website. Imagine how impressed your potential customers will be.

You’ll have the highest quality videos in the industry.

You may have seen some of the other patient education videos out there. Our crystal clear 4K dental videos are unmatched in the industry. They’re peer-reviewed and anatomically correct, because your patients deserve the best, and so does your practice. Check out our library of patient education videos for yourself.

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